Journal History

Print ISSN: 0866-7411

Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption (JCA) is the premier scholarly publication in the field of catalysis and an indispensable source of information for chemists and chemical engineers in both industrial and academic fields.

Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis. These include studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical processes at surfaces and in metal complexes, novel concepts in surface chemistry, the synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes, spectroscopic methods for structural characterization, and theoretical methods of direct interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysts and catalytic processes.

Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption publishes articles that meet two independent review rounds. Each article has a maximum of 6 pages, a maximum of 6 figures and tables (except overview articles) and must comply with the correct format. The drawings must be clear, high resolution and contain a lot of important information, not containing discrete images (need to combine spectra). References must be fully cited and can be found on the internet. The editorial office will not accept the article if it does not meet the above requirements or if there is a clear violation of academic integrity.
