The influence of Grinding Duration to the Cleaning of Tan Rai Aluminum Hydroxide for Preparation of α-Al2O3

Suong Huynh Thu, Phuong Nguyen Thi Hong, Vinh La The, Bac Nguyen Quang


Corundum (α-alumina) is widely used and studied as high temperature structural material, electronic packaging, corrosion resistance ceramics and translucent ceramics. The production of high purity alumina play an important role. This paper presents the results of studying the effect of grinding time on the cleaning process of Tan Rai aluminum hydroxide with acetic acid, the aluminum hydroxide dissolution efficiency by HCl solution. At the same time, the results of research on the properties of aluminum oxide made from aluminum hydroxide are presented after refining in a suitable conditions.


Al(OH)3 Tan Rai; -Al2O3; cleaning of Al(OH)3

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